Prerequisite: Before withdrawing from Smart Contract Wallets, please make sure that you have created or imported a Safe{Wallet}, set up an on-chain transaction policy for token transfers, set up an off-chain transaction policy (recommended), and deposited funds into the wallet.

Withdraw by assets

  1. Click into a Smart Contract Wallet on Cobo Portal and switch to the Assets section.
  2. To withdraw a specific token, click next to the respective token.
  3. In the pop-up window, review the default entries for token type and From wallet/address.
  4. Select your Delegate address and enter the To address. Please note that the Delegate can only withdraw authorized tokens to the receiving addresses added during the setup of the on-chain transaction policies for token transfers. For more information, please refer to Create contract call policy.
  5. Enter your withdrawal amount and review the transaction cost.
  6. (Optional) Enter a category and a description for your withdrawal.
  1. Click Submit.

Withdraw directly from Safe{Wallet}

  1. To make a withdrawal directly from your Safe{Wallet}, click next to Total Balance instead.
  1. In the pop-up window, review the default entries for From wallet/address.
  2. Select your Delegate address, the token type for withdrawal, and enter the To address. Please note that the Delegate can only withdraw authorized tokens to the receiving addresses added during the setup of the on-chain transaction policies for token transfers. For more information, please refer to Create contract call policy.
  3. Enter your withdrawal amount and review the transaction cost.
  4. (Optional) Enter a category and a description for your withdrawal.
  5. Click Submit.

Withdraw via Transfer module

  1. Click in the main menu on the left hand side.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the token type for withdrawal, From address/wallet, Delegate address, and To address.
  3. Enter your withdrawal amount and review the transaction cost.
  4. (Optional) Enter a category and a description for your withdrawal.
  5. Click Submit.
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