Manage your Smart Contract Wallets easily by clicking the corresponding icons:

  • Deposit : Transfer funds into your wallet.
  • Withdraw : Move funds from your wallet to another wallet created on Cobo Portal or an EOA address.
  • Edit Wallet Name : Edit the name of your wallet.
  • Copy Wallet Address : Copy the wallet address of any wallet.
  • View Wallet Details : View details such as your Cobo Safe address, Safe{Wallet} address, asset types, balances, and more.
  • View Transaction History : View your wallet’s activity with a detailed transaction history, including past and pending transactions.
  • Settings : Modify wallet name, label, Safe{Wallet} signer addresses, and signing threshold.
  • Filter : Filter the wallets so that only wallets that meet your specified criteria are displayed.
  • Sort : Sort your wallets so that they are displayed in the order based on the chosen criteria.
  • Search : Search for specific wallets using their names, addresses, or labels.
  • Change Views : Click the corresponding buttons to switch between grid view and list view when viewing your wallets.