
  • You have set up your account and complete other required steps following the Quick start guide.
  • You have created an MPC Wallet (Organization-Controlled).
  • You have been assigned the Operator role or a customized role with equivelant permissions.
Currently, creating a Smart Contract Wallet on Cobo Portal is akin to setting up a Safe{Wallet} with Cobo Safe enabled.


  1. Log into Cobo Portal.
  2. Click > Smart Contract Wallets > .
  3. In the pop-up window, select a network where your Safe{Wallet} will be based.
  4. Enter a name for your Safe{Wallet}.
  5. Select signer addresses. These addresses will be used to sign multi-sig transactions on the Safe{Wallet}.
  • My Wallets: Select addresses from your MPC Wallets (Organization-Controlled).
  • Address Book: Select MPC Wallets (Organization-Controlled) or EOA addresses listed in your Address Book.
  • Other: Manually enter EOA addresses.
  1. Enter a signing threshold. The threshold in a Safe{Wallet} specifies the number of signers required to sign a multi-sig transaction before it can be executed
  2. Enter an optional label for your Safe{Wallet}. Please note that your Safe{Wallet} address will only be added to the Address Book if you provide a label in this step.
  3. Select an initiator address from your MPC Wallets (Organization-Controlled). This address will be used to cover the network fee when creating your new Safe{Wallet}.
  4. Click Next.
  1. Please confirm on your Cobo Guard that you initiated this request.
  2. Your Safe{Wallet} is successfully created.