You can manage an on-chain transaction policy by navigating to Smart Contract Wallets > On-Chain Transaction Policies. The Current tab displays all active on-chain transaction policies, the Queue tab shows on-chain transaction policies awaiting batch submission for multi-sig confirmations by Safe{Wallet} signers, and the History tab lists all submitted multi-sig transaction requests.

Under the Current tab

  • View Policy Details : Check policy details, including the policy name, status, and the if-then conditions.
  • Edit : Modify policy details, such as the Delegates and the if-then conditions. Please note that once an on-chain transaction policy is submitted, any modifications will require you to submit a multi-signature request.
  • Delete : Remove an on-chain transaction policy that is currently in use. Please note that deletion requires you to submit a multi-signature request.

Under the Current tab

  • View : Check policy details, including the policy name, status, and the if-then conditions.
  • Revoke : Cancel a request that is currently pending batch submission for multi-sig confirmations by Safe{Wallet} signers.

Under the Current tab

  • View : View the details of a submitted multi-sig transaction request, including the Safe{Wallet} transaction hash, nonce, Delegates, and more.