Prerequisite: Please create a Smart Contract Wallet. Note that on-chain transaction policies apply only to Smart Contract Wallets.

To create an on-chain transaction policy, you must first set up a Delegate Key. The Delegate Key is an address created and assigned by Cobo Portal. It will be used to initiate, but not sign, multi-sig transactions on behalf of Safe signers.

  1. Log into Cobo Portal.
  2. Click > Smart Contract Wallets in the main menu on the left-hand side.
  3. Click next to the Safe{Wallet} you have connected to or created on the Cobo Portal (you may skip to step 6). Alternatively, click into the Safe{Wallet}.
  1. Switch to the On-Chain Transaction Policies tab and click .
  2. In the pop-up window, click Set Up Delegate Key.
  1. Click to copy the link shown in the pop-up window. Then, send it to any of your Safe signers to sign. Alternatively, click Copy All and Close to copy all information, including the Safe{Wallet} address, Delegate Key, and URL.
  1. (For Safe{Wallet} signer) Navigate to the link provided and connect to your wallet associated with the Safe{Wallet}.
  2. (For Safe{Wallet} signer) In the pop-up window, review the auto-filled fields and enter a label for the Delegate Key. Then, click Sign Message.
  1. (For Safe{Wallet} signer) Sign a message in your connected wallet.
  2. The new Delegate Key will be displayed on the homepage.
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