1. Click the Apps icon on Cobo Portal, find Invoicing, then click Open to open Invoicing.

  2. On the Invoices page, you can view the list of your invoices. You can search by invoice ID, client name, or category, and select tabs such as Pending and Received to view invoices in the corresponding status.

    Create Invoice page

    The following are explanations for each status in the Status column.

    • Draft: The invoice is saved as a draft and can be deleted while in this state.
    • Sending: When you send the invoice, it usually takes about 10 seconds for the payment link to be generated; then the invoice status will change from Sending to Pending.
    • Pending: The invoice has been sent to the client and is awaiting payment.
    • Received: The client has made a payment, but it is not yet settled.
    • Error: There is an error with the client payment. Please contact the Cobo invoice support team at invoiceservice@cobo.com.
    • Overdue: The invoice payment is past due.
    • Voiding: The invoice is being voided, which usually takes about 10 seconds.
    • Voided: The invoice has been voided. You can click the question circle icon to display the reason for voiding.
    • Settling: The invoice is in the process of being settled.
    • Settled: The invoice has been successfully settled, and the funds have been transferred to your specified wallet.
    • Settlement Failed: The settlement has failed.
    If the status remains Sending or Voiding for 24 hours, please contact our support team at invoiceservice@cobo.com.
  3. Click the View icon under Actions to view the details of a invoice.

    Invoice details