1. Click the Apps icon on Cobo Portal, find Invoicing, then click Open to open Invoicing.

  2. On the Invoices page, click Create Invoice.

  3. Fill in the following information.

    Create Invoice page

    General information:

    • Payment Due: The invoice’s due date.
    • Issued On: The date the invoice is issued.
    • Client: Select a client from the list, which only shows clients in the Active status. You can also add a new client manually. Click Add CC Recipients to add email addresses for those who should receive a copy of the invoice.
    • Expected Payment Tokens: Select one or multiple payment tokens. If you select multiple tokens, the payer can choose any one of them to complete the payment.
    • Memo (Optional): Enter a memo of up to 500 characters.
    • Category (Optional): Enter a category of up to 100 characters.
    • Recurring Invoice (Optional): Toggle the option on if you want the invoice to repeat. You can select the frequency and choose how you want the repetition to end.

    Item information:

    • Item: Name or description of the item, with a character limit of 3-100 characters. To add more items, click Add an Item.
    • Quantity: Enter a positive integer.
    • Unit Price: Enter a price with no more than 8 decimal places.
    • Discount (Optional): Enter a discount as a percentage.
    • Tax (Optional): Enter a tax rate as a percentage greater than 0.
    • Overall Discount: Additional discount applied to all items on top of individual item discounts.

    The amounts are calculated automatically:

    • Amount: Amount = (Unit price * Quantity * (1 - discount) * (1 - overall discount)) * (1 + tax).
    • Amount without Tax: The total amount before tax is applied.
    • Total Tax Amount: The total tax amount, calculated by applying the tax rate to the discounted price of each item.
    • Due: The total amount due with tax, displayed with up to 6 decimal places.
  4. Either click Save Draft to save the current invoice as a draft, or click Create & Send to send the invoice. If the system detects that the client’s status is Frozen, a prompt will indicate that the invoice cannot be sent.

  5. After you click Create & Send, it usually takes about 10 seconds for the payment link to be generated; then the invoice status will change from Sending to Pending. An email notification is sent to the client. For more information about the process from your client’s perspective, see Invoice payment.

    If the status remains Sending for 24 hours, please contact the Cobo invoice support team at invoiceservice@cobo.com.