Get an overview of SuperLoop’s key features, including statistics mirroring and asset management across different exchanges.
To manage SuperLoop, click on Cobo Portal, find SuperLoop, then click Open to open SuperLoop.
Mirror Statistics dashboard
On the Mirror Statistics dashboard, you will find the following Organization-wide balances:
- Total Balance - The total balance of assets in SuperLoop denominated in USD, including funds locked in mirroring and available balance.
- Mirroring Balance - The total amount of assets mirrored from SuperLoop, denominated in USD.
- Exchange Balance - The total balance as reported by exchange accounts, denominated in USD.
- Active Exchange Account - The number of exchange accounts with the Active status.
Fee Reserve dashboard
On the Fee Reserve section, you will find the following information:
- Total Balance - The total balance of reserved fees in SuperLoop, denominated in USD.
- Low Balance Asset - A number indicating the current count of Fee Reserve token types that have triggered a balance alert. There are two types of alert triggers:
- Negative balance: During outgoing settlement, when SuperLoop transfers to the exchanges, if the Fee Reserve balance is insufficient to cover the transaction fees, SuperLoop will cover the shortfall after depleting the remaining balance, resulting in a negative balance.
- Low balance: During incoming settlement, if you’ve chosen to let SuperLoop auto-transfer the settled assets into one of your MPC Wallets, but the reserved fee balance is insufficient to cover the transaction fee, the settled assets are retained in SuperLoop as available balance.
To manage your reserved fees, click Manage next to Fee Reserve. To learn more about Fee Reserve and managing Fee Reserve, see Introduction to Fee Reserve.
Exchange accounts dashboard
On the exchange accounts section, you will find relevant features and information such as a search bar, an + Exchange Account button, Exchange name, Account Names, API key Status, Total Balance, Mirroring Balance, Exchange Balance, Ongoing Asset Mirroring, and the Manage button under Action.
- For API key Status, there are 3 possible statuses:
- Active: This indicates that the API key is valid and has all the required SuperLoop permissions.
- API Not Found: This indicates that your API key has been unlinked in the Exchange Wallets, preventing SuperLoop from using it.
- Invalid API Key: This indicates that the API key is invalid. Possible reasons include the key’s permission has been modified, or the key has been deleted in the exchanges.
- Total Balance is the total balance of the exchange account’s assets in SuperLoop denominated in USD, including funds locked in mirroring and available balance, excluding reserved fees.
- Mirroring Balance is the total amount of all mirrored assets in the exchange account, denominated in USD.
- Exchange Balance is the total balance as reported by the exchange account, denominated in USD.
- Ongoing Asset Mirroring is the number of mirrored asset types in the exchange account.
- To manage an individual exchange account, click
under Action for the targeted account. See Manage an exchange account.
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