Before making transfers using your MPC Wallets, ensure that transaction policies have been set up in your organization. To learn more about transaction policies, see Introduction to transaction policies.

Deposit from external wallets

Follow the steps below to deposit from external wallets:

  1. Log in to Cobo Portal.
  2. Click > MPC Wallets.
  3. Select your vault.
  4. Select your wallet.
  5. Select the Tokens tab, then click Add Tokens to open the Add Tokens dialog.
  6. On the Add Tokens dialog, click All Chains to select a chain, then search for your tokens by name or address. From the search results, check the checkboxes next to the tokens you want to add, then click Confirm.
  7. On the Activate Chains dialog, check the details, then click Activate. On the Security Verification page, enter your 6-digit Google Authenticator code.
  8. Select the Addresses tab, then click Add Address to open the Create Address dialog.
  9. On the Create Address dialog, select a token for your address. If applicable, select address types. Then, click Create.
  10. Select the Address tab or Tokens tab, navigate to the address or token you want to deposit into, and then click .
  1. Copy the deposit address. Please ensure that the deposit address is accurate to prevent any transfer errors.
  2. Proceed to your preferred external wallet to initiate the transfer to the deposit address you want to deposit into.

Deposit from another wallet within Cobo Portal

To learn how to deposit into your MPC Wallets from another wallet created on Cobo Portal, see Transfer.

Withdraw from MPC Wallet

To learn how to make a transfer from your MPC Wallets, see Transfer from MPC Wallets.