This article describes how to make a batch payout in the Batch Payouts app.


  • You have installed Batch Payouts as described in Browse and install apps.
  • You have been assigned the Admin role or a customized role with equivalent permissions.


  1. Click the Apps icon the Apps icon on Cobo Portal, find Batch Payouts, and then click Open to open the app.
  2. In the app, click Make a Payout.
  3. On the Make a Payout page, select the token type that you want to transfer in the Token section. Screenshot of the Make a Payout page
  4. In the From section, select the wallet from which the transfer will be made.
    Currently Exchange Wallets are not supported for a batch payout.
  5. In the Payout Details section, specify the details for each recipient as follows:
    • Receiving address: You can enter addresses manually, or import them from your Address Book or an uploaded CSV file.
    • Amount: The transfer amount.
    • Note: Additional information about the transfer.
    • Email: A notification email will be sent to this email address when this transaction is completed.
  6. In the Transaction Cost section, select a transaction fee level, or customize the transaction fee by clicking the settings icon the settings icon.
  7. Verify the transaction cost and click Submit.
  8. Approve the payout on Cobo Guard.


After making the batch payout, you can view the status and manage the batch or individual transaction. For more details, refer to Manage batch payouts.