Prerequisite: Before making a transfer from Custodial Wallets (Asset Wallets), please make sure that you have set up an off-chain transaction policy (recommended) and deposited funds into the Custodial Wallets (Asset Wallets).

To make a transfer from Custodial Wallets (Asset Wallets), log in to Cobo Portal and then click in the main menu on the left hand side.

Then, fill in the required information as follows:

  1. Select the token type for the transfer. Selection is limited to tokens included in your organization’s subscription package. To enable a new token type (fees apply), see step 1 to 6 on Deposit from external wallets.
  2. In the drop-down menu under “From”, select Asset Wallets under Custodial Wallets.
  3. To find your wallet, select it from the drop-down menu or search by the wallet name. Custodial Wallets (Asset Wallets) created via both Cobo Portal and WaaS 2.0 API will be listed.
  4. Select a “To” address from your Address Book or a Cobo wallet, or manually input an external address.
    • Address Book: Only addresses associated with the blockchain network of the selected token will be listed.
    • My Wallet: Select a wallet type and then click on the specific wallet you would like to transfer to.
    • Other Addresses: Manually enter an external address as the destination address under “To”. If it is a new address not found in your Address Book or any of your wallets created on Cobo Portal, you will be prompted to add the address to your Address Book.
  5. Enter the transfer amount.
  6. Review the transaction cost. Transaction cost includes network fees. You are unable to modify or customize this fee. The associated fees will be deducted from the selected “From” address, and it may differ from the token intended for the transfer.
  7. (Optional) Add category or description to your transaction. For details, see Add category and description.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Approve the request on your Cobo Guard. If it is a new address not found in your Address Book or any of your wallets created on Cobo Portal, you will be prompted to add the address to your Address Book.