Prerequisite: Please make sure that you have successfully created or imported a Smart Contract Wallet and set up a Delegate Key.
  1. Log into Cobo Portal.
  2. Click > Smart Contract Wallets.
  3. Click into a Safe{Wallet} and switch to the On-Chain Transaction Policies tab.
  4. Click .
  5. Set up an on-chain transaction policy for token transfers. For step-to-step guides, refer to Create contract call policy. Upon successful creation of an on-chain transaction policy, your selected Delegates will be authorized to perform single-signature operations such as token transfers and custom contract calls.

What is a Delegate?

Delegate can either be an address from your MPC Wallets (Organization-Controlled) or an EOA address. It is pre-authorized by Safe{Wallet} signers to perform single-signature operations, such as transferring funds or interacting with dApps. Importantly, the Delegate is responsible for handling gas fees during the execution of single-signature transactions.

On Cobo Portal, you can set up Delegates by creating on-chain transaction policies for Smart Contract Wallets. The addresses entered during setup will automatically be designated as Delegates for performing single-signature operations.