When you set up your Exchange Wallets on Cobo Portal, you can perform certain actions on the Exchange Wallets, or transfer assets from or to your Exchange Wallets.

  1. Log in to Cobo Portal.

  2. Click the wallet icon The wallet icon and then select Exchange Wallets.

  3. On the Exchange Wallets dashboard, you can filter and sort out Exchange Wallets, and switch between the card view and list view. Under the list view, you can view wallet details, view transaction history, link Sub Account to the existing Main Account, or unlink the Main or Sub Account.

    The Exchange Wallets dashboard
  4. Click an Exchange Wallet to view its details. On this page, you can refresh to reload the wallet details, view transaction history and transaction policies, and make transfers. To learn how to transfer assets from or to your Exchange Wallet, refer to Withdraw from Exchange Wallets, Deposit into Exchange Wallets, and Transfer Within an Exchange Wallet.

    The Main Account details